Tuesday, February 28, 2017

ILP 1: Participation

Last week we traveled to the COE Tech Sandbox as a class field trip and I learned a lot about different types of technology that I didn't know existed! To be honest, I didn't even know where the Tech Sandbox was located in the Stone Building and that students had access to the technology there. One of the technological tools that we got to look at can be seen below - it's a learning tool that attaches to iPads; the electronic reader can sense when the letters are placed near the device and students can even race each other to see who can spell the words the fastest.

Another cool piece of technology that we got to play with was Google glasses. Although they were hard to use at first, the prototype has a lot of potential for the future, even though the instructors at the Sandbox said that the glasses seemed to be "dead" technology. These glasses can be seen below, in a selfie I took with my friend and classmate Hannah!

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