Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Blog Post #6

When I read the prompt for the sixth blog post in this course, the first school that came to my mind was my elementary school - Resurrection Catholic School. I visited the website that I used to call my home and, although I could not find any specific "class" pages, I did find a curriculum page. This page highlights what specific topics those in the elementary school will be covering, along with those in the middle school. The link for the website is: http://www.rcslakeland.org/academics/curriculum/. And the screenshot of the curriculum page can be seen below!

If my plan to become a high school teacher actually follows through, then I would envision myself using technology in the classroom to better enhance my communication with students, parents, and other teachers. I would hope that I would correctly and effectively utilize productivity tools, thus allowing me to complete every day tasks in a more organized manner.

Last week, we visited the COE Tech Sandbox, where we were able to experience new technologies that may be available to us in the classroom. One of these tools, and one that I often used in both middle school and high school, was a SmartBoard. The SmartBoard is, essentially, an interactive white board. Since I have past experience with this specific tool, I feel like I would be prepared to use a SmartBoard in my own future classroom and utilize the unique experiences that only a SmartBoard can provide.

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